Angenieux MSU-1A Universal Cine Servo Unit


Single ENG style zoom only
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High speed

To meet cinematographers' demand for lens speed in film shooting, angenieux optimized motor drive so that it can achieve high speed and stay sensitive at the same time.

Eng style

Its design and layout inherited that of the traditional eng style lens to suit the habits of customers who are used to eng cameras and those who use shoulder-support in filming.

- zoom speed
- q-z switch
- information display
- vtr switch
- function selector

- display on/off
- return switch
- zoom operation switch
- iris operation change-over switch
- momentary iris auto switch

Wireless control

The grip unit has a built-in wireless module that provides remote wireless lens control. 


It has standard 12pin eng camera cable to 4 power the unit and also to provide remote control of fiz, supportive of standard eng lens pan handles of canon and fujinon.

- 20 pin hirose
- 12 pin hirose
- 4 pin lemo 
- 6 pin lemo

Grip servo basic functions

- zoom demand
- camera start/stop
- iris auto/manual--I.Momentary iris button
- return button
- quick zoom control
- automatic alignment

Camera interface

Interface through lds or “I” system contact

- power
- start/stop
- iris level
- zoom position
- focus position

Interface through 12 pin camera lens port

- power
- start/stop
- serial data

Remote interfaces

20 pin hirose

- iris demand
- zoom demand
- focus demand
- start/stop 

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